Finding God

We sometimes feel like we are living in a godless world. It is hard to endure the hardships this world has to offer and then ask, where is God in all of this. Please join me in my journey through life where I try to find God in my struggles, sorrows, successes and in my joy!

Once, when I was sad, I said to a kind old priest,
“have you learned any secrets to unburden the heart?”
And he responded, “Hum a favorite melody;
wine will always rise to the top of oil.”
-Catherine of Siena

Monday, March 7, 2011

One Beautiful Journey

I heard a song by David Thies, a folk singer who ministers to others through his music, called One Beautiful Journey. In this song he tells us that when we follow God's will, we will, in all likelihood, not end up where we expected to, but it will be one beautiful journey. This song makes me reflect upon my life in a more meaningful way.

Recently, I have been plagued with self-doubts and a sense that I am lost. It has been troubling to me when just a few days before that I felt so enriched through the love of God and of my community, so it made me ask myself why. Why is this happening right now and what is the purpose of it all?

I have been contemplating this all weekend and all day long and I still don't know the answer. However, what I do know is that God promises us that He has our best interest in mind. That is how we can know it is and will be one beautiful journey. By being in God's will, we know the end will be good even if the journey is vastly different from our plans.

This brings to mind two scripture passages:

‎"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9

"Always be ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope." 1 peter 3:15

How can we explain our hope, even in the face of criticism, rejection, suffering and pain? How can we even know the concept of hope in the face of evil, hatred and intolerance? What does it even mean to hope in a world where people don't acknowledge one transcendental truth but the relativistic truth of all people...where God is seen as a whimsical fantasy of a forgotten time...and people value material wants over the spiritual and physical needs of their neighbors?

This is the question I pose in this blog and these are the issues I want to address. But I cannot address these things by posting a series of lectures on my theology of hope. I cannot do this because I don't know the answer either. I know that my hope come from the Lord, that he wants the best for me and you and all things will work towards that...but what does this mean for those of us who must live in this world?

Thus, I will respond to this by living in the world. By experiencing the world day by day and seeing every experience as one facet of my explanation for the reason for my hope.

Trust God and know that where ever you end up, it will be beautiful!

“I can’t say it’s going my way, but it’s still one beautiful journey” -David Thies,

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