Finding God

We sometimes feel like we are living in a godless world. It is hard to endure the hardships this world has to offer and then ask, where is God in all of this. Please join me in my journey through life where I try to find God in my struggles, sorrows, successes and in my joy!

Once, when I was sad, I said to a kind old priest,
“have you learned any secrets to unburden the heart?”
And he responded, “Hum a favorite melody;
wine will always rise to the top of oil.”
-Catherine of Siena

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Has it really been a year?

I can hardly believe it has been almost a year since my last post - and what a year it has been!! I have been getting comfortable in my new job and it has definitely been an adventure!!

Heading an RCIA program is no easy task but it has been so rewarding. Journeying with people who are seeking God and the Catholic Church and then standing with them as they received their sacraments - yes, it was a great experience and I am already excited to start all over with a new group this August!

I will say that working in a parish is not without its challenges. There is so much to do, to learn, to see and to pray about. It becomes difficult to stay connected to God at times because you are surrounded by the Church all day - surprisingly, it makes it difficult to pray or commune with Him.

I found that when at Mass, where I used to effortlessly fall into prayer, I now have to focus and force myself to not notice all the things going on around is kind of like how Doctor's might not enjoy watching medical dramas...I became too nit-picky.

Things are better now. I recently came off a retreat here in San Antonio called 'Hearts on Fire' in which we focused on our hearts and on the Sacred Heart of Jesus. it was a powerful retreat and I learned a lot about myself. I have been too focused on externals and ignoring what was going on within my own heart. I know now that God is calling me into an even deeper relationship with Him and I have to overcome some of my own pride, insecurities, fears and anxieties in order to get there.

It is definitely a process...I am hoping to go on a silent retreat in early August to do some serious reflecting and prayer. I will let you know how it goes :-)

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